Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Celebrate the TENTH anniversary of SOTA in South Africa

Rustenburg Magaliesberg ZS/NW001 

It is for me an privilege to undertake a SOTA in my home town. As a teenager I always wanted to do this in the Magalisberg and now is the opportunity to do it nearly 32 years later. Any one in the Rustenburg aria that wants to join me is welcome to contact me or send me an e-male at ZS6WBT@telkomsa.net with your phone number. To get to the SOTA point on the Magalies  is about a 3 to 4 Km hike up the mountain climbing from 1280m to 1645m above see level. The plan is to gather at Bergheim Holiday Resort at 7:00am on 22 September 2013  Come prepared with good hiking shoos; a hat and a water bottle don’t forget the suntan lotion and energy bars.

Also visit the Secunda club for more info at http://www.secradio.org.za/src.php  

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

SOTA 21/3/2013

My seconds SOTA with the Secunda Radio Club was a very present day out on 2 of the Mpumalanga pikes about 40km from Standartom We first went to “Koppiealeen” and then to “Perdekop” the pikes is about 5 to 10Km apart Thanks to Christo and Koekies for the organization and planning of the day, and thanks to  Hoffiea and  Gert for there equipment that when along it was not to heavy to catty. The day was a success and all fore of us hat 4 contacts. For the chasers of the day thanks for the contacts it was very interesting talking to you.

SARL Hamnet 40m Sinulated Emergansy Contest 3/3/2013

The day out at Thtichardtsfonteinontspanningsoorddam was very nice with the children helping me to set up the antenna and equipment. Hardus did the braai for us and Bianca and Tiffany prepared the rest of the food . At the beginning I had bad power connections and modulation trouble but it was sorted out and I end’s 3rd in Category B with 480 points. Congratulations to ZS2U with 1098 points in 2nd place and the winner ZR6LJK with 1559 points The first and third place belongs to Secunda radio club this year.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Secunda Radio Club participate in the veiled day competition 9 Feb 2013

The club gathered at Badplaas camping site to take part in the SARL veiled day competition. When it was time to set up antennas open space for 2 dipole antennas was a bit of a problem an one of the antennas had to be hang in a tree. Amazing to find out that this was the most used antenna with the best results.
It was a very relaxing weekend and I have again learned a lot from the rest of the club members We had 47 QSO’s of witch 3 was DX QSO’s  all with 50W  We will probably not be No. 1 in the competition but the social and  togetherness of the team was a nice team building weekend and that make us No. 1.