My First Contact
On 16 Jun 2011 I was invited to join the Secunda Radio Club on a SOTA just 3 weeks after i have pass my Amateur exam. I dit not know what a SOTA was but i had to learn quick. Behind Wakkerstroom is a mouton with the name of Ossewakop we setup a station on the top of this mouton in extreme strong wind. The whether forecast was sunshine withe wind of 50Km/h I'm sure it was way above it and it was not practical to setup a mas withe a antenna so the best antenna for the day was Tom's long wire.
Just after the first contact I was coaled to make my first contact it was withe ZS6ACT how took of my Amateur exam what an honer to make the first contact withe him. On the end of the day I have made contact withe 7 people. The other Amateurs Chris ZR6LJK, Tom ZS6TMO and Gert ZS6GC each had 8 contacts. I had a grate time withe them and now have the bug bit me to get my own equipment ready to go on the ear.